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Lisa George, R.H.N. |
Meal Planning Tips

Meal Planning Tips

Want to eat a whole foods diet on a regular basis? Start meal planning!

I love the idea of meal planning, but admit that I have not been consistent with this practice. However, I know that when I do take the time to plan meals in advance a lot of good things happen. Here are a few of them:

  • My days are more organized so I save time.
  • My days run more smoothly so I am less stressed.
  • I save money because I’m not running out for last minute ingredients.
  • We eat healthier because there are no quick fixes thrown in the mix.
  • My meals have more variety in them because I give a lot of thought to the ingredients.
  • I am happier and more at peace because I’m in control.
  • Family members know in advance what’s for dinner so there are no surprises.
  • Family members get involved in planning and preparing, learning a vital life skill.

So, dear readers, my tip for you this week is to get your head around meal planning. To get you started, I have put together a few resources that I really enjoy reading.

Humorous Homemaking gives you 100 days of meal plans using mostly whole foods. I’m sure you can find a few good meals to choose from!

Keeper of the Home is a great site to visit for real food meal ideas (as well as a lot of other great resources).

Plan to Eat is an online menu planner that uses recipes you choose, automatically makes your grocery list, and makes it easier for you to eat real food, prepared at home by you, with your family gathered around your table. And, the best part is you can try it out free for 30 days.

Plan it, Don’t Panic: Everything you Need to Successfully Create and Use a Meal Plan is an e-book that you can read on Kindle. It’s an excellent read and chock full of everything you need to know to get started planning your family meals, including 4 weeks of real, whole food meal plans, printable planning pages, and more.

So, now that you have all the resources to get you started building your own meal plan, I challenge you to take some time this week to peruse the information and start the year off creating a meal planning habit!

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