Homemade “Cream of Soups”
Do you remember eating casseroles as a kid and your Mom mixing together pasta, canned cream soups and some form of meat or fish, and tossing in some vegetables? I used to enjoy those meals as a kid and I…
Do you remember eating casseroles as a kid and your Mom mixing together pasta, canned cream soups and some form of meat or fish, and tossing in some vegetables? I used to enjoy those meals as a kid and I…
I made these delicious morsels at a small gathering on my front porch last summer. The recipe comes from Jenifer Segal's blog Once Upon a Chef. I've been following Jennifer's blog for about a year now and have made a…
Not everyone in my family loves fish and seafood, but they understand that it is part of a healthy diet and it's important to include those dishes in our meal plan. Some fish, like salmon, equals healthy Omega 3 fatty…
When I say that I cook from scratch I guess I'm lying a bit. I mean, I always have some convenience foods like canned tomatoes and containers of broth in my pantry. Yes, it would be nice to always have…
When I make pancakes, I like to make a big batch so there is enough left over for the boys to toast the next day. In my house I tend to make big batches of food so there is always…
If you like coconut and bit of a sour taste in your muffin, you'll love these! You know that you've made a good batch of muffins when a dozen of them gets devoured by 3 teenage boys, even when the…
I love creamy milk based puddings and often make a warm custard as a treat in the evening. This custard recipe has become my new favorite because it cooks up perfectly thick and smooth. I think the combination of cornstarch…
Do you buy packaged granola bars? Have you noticed how cheap some brands are this time of year as kids are heading off to school? Have you also read the ingredient list of those things? Yikes! I’ve been tempted to…
Oh how I love chocolate. If you’ve read this post, you will know about my true chocolate indulgence. But, good old chocolate chips once in a while can fit the bill too especially when mixed with coconut oil and coated…
This is the easiest, least time consuming and tasty granola recipe that I have made to date. You can whip it up start to finish in about ½ an hour and have a healthy (and more delicious) alternative to store…