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Lisa George, R.H.N. |

Changing Things Up

Since starting my blog I have written about healthy eating, the importance of supplementing your diet, and the benefits of exercising. I have thrown in some of my own recipes and shared some recipes of others. For the most part,…

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The Joy of Water

We all know we should and most of us don’t: Drink enough water. Water is so readily available to us - and cheap – yet, it is often taken for granted. The health benefits of consuming H2O are well documented, but because…

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Now That The Gardens Are Ripe For Harvest, It Is Time To Start Your Fall Meal Planning And Create Healthy Lunches And Dinners For Yourself And Your Kids.

Fall Meal Planning

Now that the gardens are ripe for harvest, it is time to start your fall meal planning and create healthy lunches and dinners for yourself and your kids. Set a goal to feed your kids real food for two weeks and see…

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