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Lisa George, R.H.N. |
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A personal reflection

I attended a Health and Wellness event last evening in Ottawa where I was asked to do a short presentation on keeping a healthy immune system over the winter months. The presentation went well and I believe I imparted some…

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5-Day Meal Plan for Bachelors

I have a few bachelor friends that are in need of some serious healthy, but easy and fast dinner ideas. So, I have put together some meals ideas for those guys on the run and cooking for only themselves. Aside…

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The Joy of Water

We all know we should and most of us don’t: Drink enough water. Water is so readily available to us - and cheap – yet, it is often taken for granted. The health benefits of consuming H2O are well documented, but because…

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I Always Have A Full Fruit Bowl And Crispers Overflowing With Vegetables. (That’s Not Surprising With My Attitude About Healthy Eating And Eliminating Processed Foods.) With Two Teenage Boys Always Looking For A Snack, I Encourage The Fruit Bowl And Crispers As Great, “go-to” Quickies!

The Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 Lists

I always have a full fruit bowl and crispers overflowing with vegetables. (That’s not surprising with my attitude about healthy eating and eliminating processed foods.) With two teenage boys always looking for a snack, I encourage the fruit bowl and crispers as…

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