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Lisa George, R.H.N. |
School Lunch Ideas

School Lunch Ideas

(With our kids heading back to school next week, I thought I would repost these suggestions for the lunchbox that first appeared in my blog last September. Please let me know if your child likes any of these recipes! – Lisa)

Below you can find a list of lunches that is a hit with my young teenage boys (and I have provided some recipes to help). Try them out and let me know if they become favourites with your kids too!

Black Bean Wraps with avocado, mango, cumin and cilantro! Throw in some cooked brown rice to make it a complete protein serving. Wrap tight in foil to keep it from falling apart in their lunch box.

Chicken Caesar Wraps made with the crockpot roasted chicken. Take an opportunity to add greens like romaine lettuce or spinach. Spread Caesar salad dressing on wrap – and wrap.

Tex Mex Soup – cook ground beef with onions and garlic. Add fresh or canned tomatoes, carrots, salsa (I throw these in food processor) and then add corn. Serve hot in a thermus.

Red Lentil Soup. Make a large batch and freeze some for another week. This is hearty and nourishing.

Homemade Hummus – and raw veggies. Homemade is tastier, healthier and less expensive than bought versions and you can whip this up in a food processor in minutes.

Chocolate Chip Cookies made with half the sugar, coconut oil and seeds – for a delicious treat with added health benefits!

Bavarian Pork Stew made with pork tenderloin and a multitude of root vegetables! Add a bit of cream at the end to make it rich and smooth! Serve hot in a thermus!

Homemade Pizza. Make your own dough and tomato sauce – and top with cooked fresh sausages, and roasted vegetables of your choice.

Butternut Squash Soup. With plenty of squash available now at a low price, this is a great, quick and nourishing soup to make. My boys will often have soup and a sandwich for their lunch.

These are a few ideas to get you started. Happy cooking (and stay tuned for more recipes and meal planning tips)!

Connect with Lisa George, Registered Holistic Nutritionist – and take that first step towards a healthier lifestyle. The first consultation is complimentary. Contact 613-256-0506 or e-mail


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