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Lisa George, R.H.N. |
Porridge Seed Bread Recipe

Porridge Seed Bread Recipe

I make my own bread and have for years. I have been wanting to share my recipe with you all but have been hesitant because I really don’t measure ingredients. I just throw in what I have on hand and it always turns out. I have also hesitated to share because of the flour that I use. Yes, I do use unbleached white flour. I usually half it with whole wheat, but find the white flour gives me the consistency that I want. I have also thrown in a handful of coconut flour with the white flour on occasion. I also add a lot of goodness like cooked porridge, whole flax seeds, pumpkin and or sunflower seeds, sometimes I add diced dried apricots, hemp seeds, etc., so I feel my bread is nourishing, tasty and free of all the chemicals that are found in bought bread.

So, here is my recipe with approximate amounts. It really does change every time. Give it a try and get your kids involved! I had my boys kneading bread dough when they were just little. It is basically fail proof, once you get the hang of kneading and knowing what it should feel like!!


Oil for greasing bread pans
2 cups of cooked porridge
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup (or more if you like it sweeter) of molasses
2 cups warm water
4 tsp quick rise yeast
½ cup flax seeds
½ cup of pumpkin or sunflower seeds
4-5 cups of unbleached flour. Could use half white and half whole wheat.
Sprinkle of cinnamon


Prepare two bread pans with oil and set aside. Add the porridge, water, yeast, molasses, oil, in a large bowl and mix together. Add the seeds, salt, cinnamon. Start stirring in the flour. It will start to get thick and sticky at which time you will need to begin kneading it with your hands. Continue to add flour and knead, until it is no longer sticky. If dough is too dry, add a bit more warm water, if too wet, add a bit more flour. Form into a ball in the bowl, cover with a tea towel and let sit to rise for about an hour or until doubled in size. This amount usually divides into 4 small loaves and I put two loaves in each bread pan to make two double loaves. Cover with tea towel and let rise until double in size, usually 45 mins to 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake loaves for approximately 35 minutes. Loaves should be brown on top and when knocked on, sound hollow!

Enjoy with a bit of almond butter and a slice of fruit.

Connect with Lisa George, Registered Holistic Nutritionist – and take that first step. The first consultation is complimentary. Contact 613-256-0506 or e-mail


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